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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Economic thoughts and Opinions

I feel that recently with all the talk on fed that it is surprising to hear that some economist believe the Fed is not pumping enough money into the system to help a recovery.  How is creating trillions of new dollars out of thin air going to help our country in the long haul? How does increases on taxes for job creators encourage job growth? How many times for how long should unemployment be extended?  If creating more Demand really helps a recovery then why don't we just have the Government give EVERYONE some money so it can create new WEALTH and the economy can flourish.

 "14 trillion dollar deficit but who cares lets give puppies to everyone so they can be happy." -Hugh Jidette

What we should do is create Supply and in order to that we need to encourage Savings and creating jobs through sound investment.  We should cut down on the Government Spending, encourage job creators to stay in the U.S. so they can make profits and keep most of them.  Lets stop assuming that we can stabilize economy with Government spending and that peoples choices can be predicted nothing is perfect but nothing also works better than the free market system.  Let things run there course we continue to try to fix our economic problems and artificially keep prices from falling but this never works and makes things worse.  Our government has a spending problem! i said it they have a spending problem.  How much money are we going to charge on the China Visa Card, Japanese Master Card, Brazil Discovery Card and American Express Cards we have??  Eventually were only going to be able to pay off the interest on this debt each year at the rate of current Government spending.  And at the rate of the FEDERAL RESERVE the dollar is  gonna be able to buy a down-payment on a candy bar ten years from now.  Maybe the Government should seek one of those debt help hotlines and only be given a Paypal card so we can only spend what we take in.