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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Big Ben Bernake still defends his decision on the 600 billion dollar pump

Cnn released an statement from Ben Bernake Federal Chairman of the Federal Reserve defending the Fed's decision to buy up to 600 billion dollars in treasuries.  Claiming that it has worked in the past and will create more jobs.


I'm not sure where Big Ben is getting his statistics from but what happen to the trillions of dollars the Fed already pumped into the system promising the same economic growth and new jobs and what perspective of past years is he looking at.  Cause it’s obvious in the short run things seem find when dot.comers were making tons of money by going public in the stock market and even when housing prices seem to sky rocket up to 4 times their original value but when you look at time from a long run perspective things are always not fine.  These so called mail investments never flatten off like every investor thinks and almost always plummet in value.  And who is left to fix the problems in the end the same group of theorists who hold believe in strict fiscal policy to maintain an economy is needed.  I bet today if John Maynard Keynes were alive he might be appalled at the degree at which government impacts the country’s Gross Domestic Product.  One thing we should all know by now is yes its great when the Government says it wants to subsidize programs for people but in reality it is not.  The Government never gets a good deal out of anything! War contracts for weapons, buildings, spoons, food, Medicare prescription plans, Medicaid etc...  Do you think the government gets quantity discounts, do you think the government gets quality product or services, do you think the government gets bang for its buck.  Your answer should be no because no one individual or company cares about treating the government like a loyal consumer.  Once congress or the Fed have made their decision their business is guaranteed for these programs or companies it becomes a done deal and "nothing is more permanent than temporary government program"- Milton Friedman.  I guess the point I’m getting to is that the Government acts has though it has so much to give but in reality Government has nothing and the only way it gives to you and I is by taking from you and I and in the end causing prices to shoot up! There is no such thing as perfect economic system but let’s just look at history and decide what is best for us.  Less government and more private sectors always leads to better jobs, deals, prices, and stable growth.

Here is hilarious but simple explanation for Quantitative Easing

Here is My favorite rap video on Economics

Fear the Boom and the Bust

Here is a quick link on the Recent announcement of the Federal reserve's plan on stimulating the economy.


The fed said last Wednesday that it will buy $600 billion in Treasury bonds over the next eight months in a bid to boost the sluggish recovery by expanding the money supply. The action, known as quantitative easing, is intended to lower long-term interest rates for mortgages and other loans, boost the stock market, and increase inflation to be nearer to the 2 percent level the Fed unofficially targets.

Obama said in defense of this decision "The Fed's mandate, my mandate, is to grow our economy. And that's not just good for the United States, that's good for the world as a whole," Obama said Monday. "The worst thing that could happen to the world economy . . . is if we end up being stuck with no growth or very limited growth. And I think that's the Fed's concern, and that's my concern as well."

What are your thoughts on the Fed's latest decision.??

Cut Spending starting in 2012?

It's hard to believe that President Obama would want to cut spending on anything considering all the healthcare talk these past few years not to mention the bailouts.  But with all things to consider could we have afforded to let the banks fell? You think that by now after 70 years we could truly analyze the problems of the great depression and even though the problems today are not like the ones in the past, we should by now have some idea on how to keep the economy from spiraling down.  However Obama is not going to have a choice but to cut spending we have a deficit we cannot maintain.

Its seems like our only hope of stimulating the economy is by looking to the federal reserve who from there look to one man Ben Bernake and like his predecessor Alan G. his only solution is to create more money..  In itself this is a broken system because no one man should have the power to try to solve such an unpredictable problem.

Fortunately the fiscal commission announced today a proposal by Senator Simpson and Senator Bowls to cut the spending deficit by 4 trillion dollars beginning in 2012.  This kind of talk sounds real familiar oh ya Ron Paul has been talking about this for over twenty years.  Well I guess when you run a credit bill like the U.S. government you have to start thinking when do we run out of money?? Unfortunately both senators are being highly criticized but that is to be expected no one wants their funds cut.

Well here is the link to an article explaining the cuts in spending a few important ones are: cut in defense spending, domestic spending and raising the Social Security age... They even propose changing the tax code to lower percentages including corporate taxes and simplifying tax expenditures... but I’ll just have you read the article.

like always post some feedback very interested on your thoughts on the matter.


video links


Currency Manipulation

Accusations of currency manipulation are causing tension between the U.S and China it will be a hard hitting topic in this week's G-20 gathering in Seoul.
So what is currency manipulation? And why does it matter?“By selling its own currency and buying up foreign reserves like the U.S. dollar, China has essentially pegged the yuan's value to the dollar instead of allowing it to move freely in foreign exchange markets.” 

Here is the rest of the article. 


House fails to extend Unemployment Benifts

Today the House failed to pass a bill that would have given the unemployed three more months to file for extended jobless benefits.  The legislation would have extended the deadline to file for federal unemployment benefits to Feb. 28, sparing 4 million people from falling off the rolls. The deadline is currently Nov. 30.   Congress just this year alone has already extended unemployment benifits 4 times allowing for the unemployed to file into a new tier four consecutive times.  Which cost the Government 34 billion dollars. With our current economic situtiation many Americans have lost their jobs and certainly do need help but when do we draw the line as far as how long benifits should last and at what cost? 
