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Monday, October 10, 2011

Economist Peter Schiff goes to Washington

In attempt to tell Washington that spending our way out of recession is not the solution he ends up giving members of congress a lesson in Economics. It's always surprising that almost all members of congress believe if we spend now were investing in our future and can pay back that debt later.That has never worked since the idea of deficit spending came about and we have never paid down the debt entirely even in the business cycle booms.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Inflation is here and if you dont believe me maybe the CEO of Walmart can convince you!

Inflation is amongst us and no doubt its effects of higher prices are coming.  We have already seen increasing commodity prices and now oil reaches $110 a barrel mainly due to the middle east conflicts and a weakening in the dollar.  This $110 price is said to be what keeps consumers from spending money but we have yet to see such impact as many stocks release positive earnings for the end of march.  However recently released news from Walmart's CEO announced that prices for consumer goods would rise in June.  (I've mentioned this in past blogs about the rise in the PPI leading to CPI inflation) and now it appears that it may be true! Believe me when i say Walmart has more accurate statistics of rising consumers goods than the U.S. and why shouldn't they its there profits that depend on this statistical accuracy for better forecasting future gains.  Has the Fed's liquidity of Qe2 and low interest rates spiked prices beyond core inflation where is unemployement going to stand are we to face stagflation.  We will all see soon enough! And if so will the Fed raise interest rates to battle this inflation in time or will it even matter the answers are soon to come I'm sure...

Business insider Walmart CEO Inflation Article-Link

Monday, March 28, 2011

Great Qoute

“(Nuclear power) is as safe as any other energy source. Last year we had the BP Oil Spill, the Massey coal mine collapse, and let’s say a windmill robbed a bank.” -- Stephen Colbert

Japan Road to Rebuilding not Expanding

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tackling illegal immigration? Farmers can't find legal workers?

Came across a video shot last November on Cspan 3 and couldn't help but want to put it up on the blogg.  Stephen Colbert Comedy Central's host of The Stephen Colbert Report a comedy show emulating Fox's O riley Factor gave a testimony on his beliefs for Immigration reform in front of the House subcommittee.   His message- Working on a farm is so hard that Americans don't want to do it, so immigration and labor laws should be reformed.  Many criticized his appearance and claimed it was a waste of tax payers dollars but i feel he actually presented more facts and evidence that less and less farmers can find legal workers willing to work these vigorous jobs and that thousands of acres of land are being planted in other countries such as Mexico instead.  Well here is the video- 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Inflation leading manufactures to package less?

Is inflation happening or is it the skepticism of looming inflation that is causing commodity goods to rise in price.
And as the PPI goes up why is that the CPI is not increasing by much.  Are companies starting to package less goods in their products. Does a bag of Doritos have less and less chips in it every-time u buy one but the price remains constant or has increased?

Video on looming inflation and its effects...

Bank Bailouts Repaid? America and the world saved from a Depression?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Anticipating the Federal Reserve and Knowing the right People in Government can make u Rich!

Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, whose bet against the overheated housing market made him one of the world's wealthiest people, became a lot richer last year.
By earning an estimated $5 billion in 2010 thanks to bets the economy would recover, the 55-year old investor likely set a new record for the $1.9 trillion hedge fund industry's biggest-ever annual payday. He beat his own record, which he set in 2007 with a $4 billion haul made off the subprime bet.
The Wall Street Journal first reported Paulson's payout in its Friday edition, and investors familiar with Paulson's portfolios said the number is likely correct given the manager's asset size and his recent profitable bets on Citigroup and gold.
For Paulson, the payday comes after he reversed deep losses in his funds halfway through the year, and it may put to rest lingering talk that his investing prowess was limited to a lucky bet during the subprime era, investors said.
"He did it on the short side and on the long side," said Brad Alford, founder of Alpha Capital Management, which invests with hedge funds. "He proved that he can really do it all."

-Yahoo  By Svea Herbst-Bayliss

"He did it on the short side and on the long side"???

Yep, first by shorting the FannieMae backed housing bubble by way of specially designed instruments provided to him by GoldmanSachs.
Then by playing the US taxpayer bailed-out, biggest of all "too-big-to-fail" banks - CitiGroup (the largest recipient of bailout funds). With a kicker based on increase in gold prices caused by all that devaluing of US dollar due to trillions of dollars created by the FED to bailout Citigroup and address the housing bubble.

The guy has mastered the art of making money from Uncle Sam's mistakes. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tax System-Tax Code to Complicated or What?

Douglas Shulman says he uses a hired tax preparer because the U.S. tax code is so complex. That's a bad sign. He's the I.R.S. commissioner.  The tax system has clearly gotten too complicated. The code itself holds about 3.8 million words, nearly five times as many as the King James Bible. There's also a much larger body of regulations, which carry the weight of law, written by the Internal Revenue Service, along with.......

Click the link to read more

Thursday, January 20, 2011

China may be facing a looming Inflation problem

Twenty years ago, China’s leaders decided to ditch the disaster of economic communism in favor of privatized, export-focused, industry. The plan largely worked. Over that time, China has arguably moved more people out of poverty in the shortest amount of time in the history of the planet. But somewhere along the way, China’s leaders became addicted to a game plan that......

click the link to read more
China's Inflation Problem

-Peter Schiff, Economist and Financial Advisor