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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Here is a quick link on the Recent announcement of the Federal reserve's plan on stimulating the economy.


The fed said last Wednesday that it will buy $600 billion in Treasury bonds over the next eight months in a bid to boost the sluggish recovery by expanding the money supply. The action, known as quantitative easing, is intended to lower long-term interest rates for mortgages and other loans, boost the stock market, and increase inflation to be nearer to the 2 percent level the Fed unofficially targets.

Obama said in defense of this decision "The Fed's mandate, my mandate, is to grow our economy. And that's not just good for the United States, that's good for the world as a whole," Obama said Monday. "The worst thing that could happen to the world economy . . . is if we end up being stuck with no growth or very limited growth. And I think that's the Fed's concern, and that's my concern as well."

What are your thoughts on the Fed's latest decision.??

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